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tamoadmin 2024-10-05 人已围观

简介1.class action lawsuit是什么意思一、释义 1. ?英文释义 1) The regular and orderly progression of a lawsuit, including all acts and events between the time of commencement[1] and the entry of judgment. 2) ?Any proc

1.class action lawsuit是什么意思



1. ?英文释义

1) The regular and orderly progression of a lawsuit, including all acts and events between the time of commencement[1] and the entry of judgment.

2) ?Any procedural means of seeking redress[2] from a tribunal[3] or agency.

3) ? An act or step that is part of a larger action.

4) ? The business conducted by a court or other official body; a hearing.

5) ? Bankruptcy . A particular dispute or matter arising within a pending case --as opposed to the case as a whole.

2. ?中文释义





2)听审;听证: 执法员或其他官方机构所处理的事务



adjudicatory proceeding ? 行政裁决程序? =adjudicatory action/hearing/process

administrative proceeding ?行政听证程序

collateral proceeding ?附带程序

competency proceeding ?意识能力诉讼

core proceeding ? 核心诉讼

ex parte proceeding 单方程序

in camera proceeding ? 非公开程序

informal proceeding ? 非正式程序

parallel proceeding ?并行诉讼

"A criminal, civil, or administrative proceeding that runs concurrently or simultaneously with another relating to the same core facts.

proceeding in rem ?对物诉讼 = in rem action

quasi-criminal proceeding ?准刑事诉讼

summary proceeding ? 简易程序

"A non-jury proceeding that settles a controversy or disposes of a case in ?a relatively prompt and simple manner.= summary trial. Cf. plenary action?


[1] ?commencement ? n. (诉讼)开始

[2] ?redress ?n. ?补救 =recovery; restitution

[3] ?tribunal ?n. 法院、法官席

[4] ?ancillary ?adj. 辅助的、附属的

[5] ?provisional ?adj. 临时的、暂时的

[6] ?garnishment ?adj. ?扣押第三债务人财产令

[7] ?injunction ?adj. 禁制令

[8] ?ne exeat ?n. 禁止离境令 writ of ne exeat ?禁止离境令状

[9] ?remittitur ?n. 案件发回原审法院重审;减少损害赔偿金

[10] ?appellate ?adj. 受理上诉的

[11] ?last resort ?终极手段

class action lawsuit是什么意思

A bad compromise is better than a good lawsuit.

谚 吃亏的和解强似胜利的诉讼。

---- 指诉讼消耗时间及金钱的麻烦

class action lawsuit



1.The retailer said it was pleased with the court's decision, which "effectively ends this class action lawsuit" .


2.Sometimes I think women should file a class-action lawsuit against the companies that make movies out of fairy tales.


3.United States: Class action lawsuit in state of Massachusetts


4.But if a lot of people have similar claims, they may try to bring a class action lawsuit.


5.This week's verdict affects 1. 5m current or former employees who joined a class-action lawsuit against Walmart.
